
Chocolate has always been deemed as an unhealthy snack. However recently there are more studies stating the health benefits that chocolates provide. How should we eat chocolates and how to choose the healthiest among the many options? Health Benefits Studies have found that the nutritional value of chocolate mainly comes from antioxidants such as polyphenols […]


【情人節簡單浪漫煮意 💕| Valentine’s Day Simple Romantic Recipe💖】 聽日就到情人節啦!仲諗緊點同另一半慶祝?不如自己準備一餐簡單又浪漫嘅晚餐同另一半一齊分享啦!而且又健康又好食,包你另一半食到心心眼😍 Are you still finding ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day tomorrow? If so we’ve got you covered! Try the simple romantic recipe at home that is not only tasty, but also healthy that will leave you wanting more! 😋🤤 #Lovini #LoviniKids #lovinihealth #心然 #心然營養 #心然TIPS #營養 #營養資訊 #營養補充品 […]


The much-anticipated Hong Kong Marathon is finally back! Remember to also pair with a proper diet to optimize your training! Check out our nutrition guide for pre-match + during race + post match to better plan your marathon diet! Carbohydrate = FUEL! Carbohydrates are very important for long-distance runners. They are the main fuel that […]


Are you suffering rom CNY bloating? Or easily feel gassy after meals? Let’s try out these 3 simple exercises that helps strengthen the bowel movement for better digestion! Walk for 10-15 minutes after Meals Sitting reduces the digestion rate! Light-intensity exercise after meals like walking helps peristalses and enzyme actions, thus promoting digestion. Feeling Gassy […]