Ways to Control Weight After Vacation

Have you gained a few pounds after vacation? This might due to consumption of high sodium food during dine out, resulting in oedema instead of body fat gained alone. If so, try the following ways to help!

1. Avoid Dine Out Soup as they are usually added with MSG, salt, tomato paste or salty ingredients such as salted duck kidney and JinHua ham.

2. “2 plus 3” – Have 2 servings of fruit + 3 servings of vegetable* each day. They contain high potassium which can reduce oedema, along with fibre to reduce constipation caused by low fiber intake, change in sleeping schedule etc.

3. Opt for home made meals after trip for easier control of oil/salt and sugar intake.

4. Eat Slowly! Have at least 20-30mins meal time for better satiety to prevent overeating.

5. Exercise is key! Start any kind of easy exercises such as climbing stairs or YouTube dances!

* 1 serving of fruit = 1 apple/orange, half banana.
**1 serving of vegetable = 1 bowl of uncooked vegetables such as lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers or 1/2 bowl of cooked vegetables, sprouts, melons, mushrooms or beans