家長必睇! 小朋友食雞翼須知🍗

雞翼可以話係好多小朋友至愛😋! 但唔少爸爸媽媽擔心雞翼有添加激素,成日食會影響身體發育⚠。到底係事實定係謬誤呢?係營養角度,雞翼又係咪健康既選擇呢🤔?





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Huang, Bin et al. “Determination of relative timing of pubertal maturation through ordinal logistic modeling: evaluation of growth and timing parameters.” The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine vol. 45,4 (2009): 383-8. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2009.02.013

Orsolya, Muhari & Nelson, Heather & Jenks, Belinda & Maki, Kevin. (2020). Naturally occurring hormones in foods and potential health effects. Toxicology Research and Application. 4. 239784732093628. 10.1177/2397847320936281.

Soliman, Ashraf et al. “Nutrition and pubertal development.” Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism vol. 18,Suppl 1 (2014): S39-47. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.145073
